Apogee Massage Therapy and Earthing Products
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Pregnancy is a time of dramatic and wonderful changes for the mum to be. Physically your body is changing constantly as it accommodates the growth of your baby. Massage therapy is a wonderful tool to ease those aching and tired muscles.

Is pregnancy massage safe?

Our therapists have received comprehensive training and qualifications from Pregnancy Massage Australia and will take great care to offer personalised treatments that are safe and effective every time. Pregnancy can affect your body in many different ways so upon arrival for your first pregnancy massage you will need to fill out a detailed medical form and then at the commencement of every subsequent treatment your therapist will check with you about your current health and any changes that may have occurred.

How soon can I start?

Massage treatments when conducted by a qualified therapist are completely safe for you and your baby during each trimester. Whether you are 2 weeks or 42 weeks we are able to help you with an appropriate treatment. There are some health concerns when pregnancy massages are not advisable, so if this is your first time visiting Apogee Massage Therapy, upon booking a pregnancy massage you will be contacted by our therapist to discuss any contraindications you make have and make sure massage is the best treatment for your health.

If you have any concerns about your health or your baby's we encourage you to speak to your midwife or obstetrician.

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